York Dungeon

It’s thrilling to be working for The York Dungeon – one of the biggest tourist attractions in the North – as it brings together my three greatest loves, history, York and the macabre. I’ve always been a huge fan of this spectacular and unique fright fest and love the special effects and incredible actor led shows which mainly focus on 2,000 years of York’s gruesome history. However, having been behind the scenes, wandering through its ancient corridors when the dungeons are empty, I would never wish to be in this terrifying place on my own.


Coming up with more creative ideas for shows, including introducing a few more rather unknown but heinous characters from York’s turbulent history. I also organise trips for journalists and bloggers to walk along its spine chilling corridors, as well as celebrity visits. I am working on future partnerships with the city’s businesses and York events that the revolting rogues from the Dungeon can be part of.

The York Dungeon, 12 Clifford Street, York YO1 9RD or call 01904 632599 Visit York Dungeon online at www.thedungeons.com/york/en/